Cutting Edge Machining Inc Blog How to Use Fortune Coins in Meditation Practices

How to Use Fortune Coins in Meditation Practices

Fortune coins, also known as Chinese coins or I-Ching coins, have been used for centuries in various practices, including meditation. These ancient coins are believed to bring good luck, prosperity, and positive energy to those who use them mindfully. Incorporating fortune coins into your meditation practice can enhance focus, intention setting, and overall spiritual connection. In this article, we will explore how to effectively use fortune coins in meditation practices to deepen your experience and invite abundance into your life.

The History of Fortune Coins

Fortune coins have a rich history that dates back to ancient China. These coins were traditionally used for divination purposes in the practice of I-Ching, an ancient Chinese form of divination that involves casting coins to receive guidance and insight. Over time, fortune coins have become symbols of wealth, luck, and prosperity in various cultures around the world. The round shape of the coins represents heaven, while the square hole in the center symbolizes earth, creating a harmonious balance between the two realms.

Setting Intentions with Fortune Coins

One powerful way to incorporate fortune coins into your meditation practice is by using them to set intentions. Before beginning your meditation, take a moment to hold the coins in your hands and focus on your intentions. Whether you seek abundance, love, healing, or guidance, visualize your desires as you hold the coins close to your heart. By infusing the coins with your intentions, you create a sacred connection that amplifies the energy of your meditation practice.

Enhancing Focus and Mindfulness

During meditation, you can use fortune coins as focal points to enhance your focus and mindfulness. Place the coins in front of you or hold them in your hands as you enter a state of deep relaxation. Allow the energy of the coins to guide your thoughts and intentions, helping you stay present in the moment. The tactile sensation of holding the coins can also ground you in the physical world, making it easier to quiet the mind and cultivate inner peace.

Creating a Sacred Space

Another way to incorporate fortune coins into your meditation practice is by creating a sacred space with them. Arrange the coins in a meaningful pattern or place them around your meditation area to invite positive energy and protection. You can also use the coins to create a mini altar dedicated to your spiritual practice, infusing the space with the energy of abundance and prosperity. By surrounding yourself with fortune coins, you create a sacred environment that supports your meditation journey.


Incorporating fortune coins into your meditation practice can deepen your spiritual connection, enhance focus, and amplify the energy of your intentions. Whether you use them to set goals, enhance mindfulness, or create a sacred space, fortune coins can be powerful tools for manifesting abundance and inviting positive energy into your life. Experiment with different ways of incorporating fortune coins into your meditation practice to discover what resonates with you and enhances your spiritual journey. Embrace the ancient wisdom of these sacred coins and let their energy guide you on your path to inner peace and prosperity.

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