Cutting Edge Machining Inc Blog How to Create a Perennial Hummingbird Garden in a Woodland Setting

How to Create a Perennial Hummingbird Garden in a Woodland Setting

Creating a perennial hummingbird garden in a woodland setting can be a rewarding and enjoyable experience for both you and these delightful, tiny birds. Woodland gardens provide a natural and serene environment that can attract a variety of wildlife, including hummingbirds. By incorporating perennial plants that hummingbirds love, you can create a vibrant and sustainable habitat that will bring joy to your garden for years to come.

Choosing the Right Location

Before you start planning your perennial hummingbird garden, it’s essential to choose the right location within your woodland setting. Hummingbirds prefer areas with partial shade, as too much direct sunlight can be harmful to these delicate creatures. Look for a spot that receives dappled sunlight throughout the day and has some protection from strong winds.

Selecting Hummingbird-Friendly Plants

When selecting plants for your woodland garden, opt for native perennials that produce nectar-rich flowers in a variety of colors. Some popular choices include bee balm, columbine, cardinal flower, and trumpet vine. These plants not only provide a food source for hummingbirds but also add beauty and diversity to your garden.

Creating a Diverse Habitat

In addition to nectar-producing flowers, consider incorporating other elements into your garden to attract hummingbirds. Adding a shallow birdbath or small water feature can provide a source of water for these birds to drink and bathe in. You can also include hummingbird feeders filled with a homemade nectar solution to supplement their diet.

Maintaining Your Garden

To ensure your perennial hummingbird garden thrives, regular maintenance is key. Deadhead spent flowers to encourage continuous blooming and remove any weeds that may compete with your plants for nutrients. Mulching around your plants can help retain moisture and suppress weeds, creating a healthy environment for both your plants and the hummingbirds that visit.


Creating a perennial hummingbird garden in a woodland setting is a wonderful way to attract these fascinating birds to your outdoor space. By choosing the right location, selecting hummingbird-friendly plants, creating a diverse habitat, and maintaining your garden, you can enjoy the beauty and excitement of watching these tiny creatures flit and feed among the flowers. With a little time and effort, you can create a sustainable and vibrant habitat that will bring joy to both you and the hummingbirds for years to come.

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